IMG_4757.jpg: Shepard Terrace near Mason Street. New home on infill lot. Out of scale with surrounding homes. Photographer: Dale Bengston;
Notable Remodel
Van Hise Avenue at Shepard Terrace. Extensive remodel that fits well with surrounding homes. [geo_mashup_map map_type="G_PHYSICAL_MAP,
Notable Garden
Van Hise Avenue near Franklin. This beautiful garden covers the entire front yard. Photographer: Dale Bengston; Submitted By: Dale
Notable Remodel
Franklin Avenue at Chamberlain. Extensive remodel with added second story. Fits well with surrounding homes and setbacks. Photographer: Dale
Notable Details
Chamberlain Avenue at Franklin. Distinctive window details. Photographer: Dale Bengston; Submitted By: Dale Bengston [geo_mashup_map
Rain Garden
Chamberlain Avenue. Front-yard rain garden. Photographer: Dale Bengston; Submitted By: Dale Bengston [geo_mashup_map map_type="G_PHYSICAL_MAP,