Monday, October 17, 2011 6:45-8:45 Sequoya Library Visit the committee's Google Group page to view the agenda.
VanChaMasShe Now on Facebook
City news, VanChaMasShe events and other posts made to now show up on Facebook as well. To view on Facebook, go to
Free Lending Library
There is a free lending library box in front of 2830 Van Hise Avenue. Feel free to pick up and drop off childrens' books and help us build our
Friends of Hoyt Park Summer Picnic
Sunday, June 26, 2011 12:00 - 3:00 p.m. Main Shelter For more information, contact Friends of Hoyt Park PO Box
VanChaMasShe Board Meeting
Tuesday, May 10, 2011 7:00-8:15 pm 2822 Mason Street, Madison Screen porch, weather permitting.
Hoyt Park Area Joint Neighborhood Plan Meeting
Monday, 4/18/2011 6:45 - 8:45pm Sequoya Library, Conf. Room A