Madison Parks has some great places for you to stay cool. Goodman Pool, 325 Olin Ave. Madison, (608) 264-9292 Daily recreation swim times Monday
You, Your Neighborhood, and Your City
Each year during the budget process, we ask Madison residents for their thoughts as to how the city should spend its money. This year, as you think
Board Meeting Minutes – 7/19/2011
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Gates of Heaven 40th Anniversary
This year marks the 40th anniversary of one of Madison’s most historic buildings in its new James Madison Park location. Built nearly 150 years ago,
University Avenue Updates
STATUS UPDATE Water services: Breese to Paunack, services on Paunack, mains tie-ins on Chamberlain and Birge, cut & cap on Princeton. ATC is also
Drug Dealing in your Neighborhood – What Can You Do About It?
July 27, 2011 Southwest Madison Triad is a program that promotes crime prevention and safety for seniors and the whole community. Triad is putting