VanChaMasShe Neighborhood Association founder Adolf Gunderson is organizing volunteer crossing guards for the rest of the Shorewood Swim Team season’s practice times. Sign up for 70-minute shifts from Monday through Thursday from now until July 30th. Time slots are:
- 7:20AM – 8:30AM
- 8:30AM – 9:40AM
- 9:40AM – 10:50AM
These hours represent the highest-traffic times to and from the Shorewood Pool. Visit Adolf’s Signup Genius page to sign up:
According to Patti Knoche, Madison Police Department’s Crossing Guard Supervisor, MPD has no issue with volunteer crossing guards as long as:
- Volunteers understand that they are not authorized to use STOP signs or otherwise interrupt traffic
- Parents understand that they rather than the volunteers continue to assume full responsibility/liability for the safety of their children
Please consider volunteering for even one slot. It might make an incalculable difference.
Thank you.