The City of Madison is proposing to reconstruct the intersection of Midvale Blvd. and Mineral Point Rd. in 2015. The City will host a public informational meeting regarding the project on:
March 13, 2014, at 7:00 PM at
Sequoya Library, Meeting Room B
4340 Tokay Blvd, Madison WI 53711
The meeting is being held in order to inform property owners and residents and receive public input regarding the construction project. A short presentation will be given by City Staff at 7:00 PM to explain the proposed project and traffic limitations and access during construction. The public is invited to attend and offer comments.
The proposed project will reconstruct the intersection to include east and west bound left turn lanes on Mineral Point Road. The northbound lanes of Midvale Boulevard north of the intersection will have minor regrading as well. The existing curb & gutter, pavement and drive aprons will be replaced with the project. Pedestrian crossings, traffic signals and lighting improvements will be added. Spot sidewalk, sanitary sewer, storm sewer and water main improvements will also be included with the project. Representatives from City Engineering, City Traffic Engineering will be on hand to answer questions and discuss the project.
To request special needs or other accommodations or should you have any questions regarding the proposed project, please contact Chris Petykowski, City Engineering at 267-8678 or email at Hearing impaired persons may contact the City’s TDD number at 1-866-704-2315 to make arrangements for assistance during the meeting. Sequoya Library is wheelchair accessible.
Please feel free to attend the meeting and share your thoughts and comments. Persons with concern for or knowledge about historic buildings and structures and archaeological sites within the project area are encouraged to attend this meeting or provide comments to the City.
Project includes reconstructing the intersection and approaches to include east and west bound left turn lanes on Mineral Point Road. A new traffic signal will be installed. The hill on north bound Midvale Blvd. will be regraded as well.
Visit the Project Website.