The HPAJSC (Hoyt Park Area Joint Steering Committee) will be meeting on Monday, January 28, First Baptist Church (Fellowship Hall), 518 N Franklin Avenue, at 6:00 pm. The focus on the meeting is to review the second draft of the Hoyt Park Area Joint Neighborhood Plan. An agenda will be circulated closer to the meeting date.
The Second Draft of the Hoyt Park Area Joint Neighborhood Plan will be posted on the city’s website at on or before January 23. An update will be sent out announcing when it is available. In addition, the Sequoya Library will have several copies for your review (check at the Circulation Desk).
You can access the May 30th Draft of the Hoyt Park Plan, Open House Comment Responses, and specific responses from the General Public, Friends of Hoyt Park, and the area neighborhood associations at If you have any questions, please contact Jason Valerius, HPAJSC Co-Chair at (; Jean MacCubbin, HPAJSC Co-Chair at (, or Jule Stroick, Planning Division, at
Lastly, we encourage you to subscribe to My Account e-notification to receive announcements and updates in a timely manner. Go to My Account and scroll to Hoyt Park Plan (under the category of Neighborhoods).