The Draft 2035 Regional Transportation Plan Update: Madison Metropolitan Area & Dane County is available for review and comment. The draft report has been posted on the MPO’s website at
A public hearing on the Draft 2035 Regional Transportation Plan Update has been scheduled for Wednesday, March 7, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. before the Madison Area Transportation Planning Board (TPB) at the City-County Building, 210 MLK Jr. Blvd., Room 354.
A public information meeting has also been scheduled for Thursday, February 23, 2012 from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. at the City-County Building, Room 351. The meeting will be an open house format with a presentation at 5:45 p.m. Plan summaries and copies of the disc with the full report will be available at the information meeting and the public hearing.
The Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) is a multi-modal system plan that provides the overall framework for transportation planning and investment decision making in the region. It identifies transportation projects, strategies, and actions to shape our regional transportation system into the future. The RTP is recognized as the official plan for the Madison Metropolitan Area for federal and state funding purposes. It is refined and detailed through corridor or area studies, mode-specific plans, and other planning efforts.
The 2035 RTP update is a minor update to the current plan to account for new and modified land use plans and development and new growth and traffic forecasts affecting the transportation system since the RTP 2030 was adopted in 2006. The next major comprehensive update of the plan is scheduled to be officially initiated in 2013-’14 and will include a much more extensive public involvement process.
Because of a federally imposed deadline, the Madison Area TPB is expected to take action on the 2035 RTP update at the March 7 meeting. While public comments will be accepted up to and at the public hearing on March 7, it is strongly encouraged that comments be submitted by Wednesday, February 29. Comments may be mailed to the office, emailed to staff at, or submitted via the MPO’s website.
Bill Schaefer, Transportation Planning Manager
Madison Area Transportation Planning Board – An MPO
121 S. Pinckney St., #400
Madison, WI 53703
PH: (608) 266-9115
FAX: (608) 261-9967