October 27-28, 2011
Alliant Energy Center
Collaboration & Connections: Building Blocks for Sustainable Communities https://www.capitalarearpc.org/2010_planning_conference.html
The Capital Region Sustainable Communities Partnership and the Capital Area Regional Planning Commission invite you to “Collaboration and Connections”, this region’s annual planning conference.
The conference is organized in to four general tracks Embracing Input, Connecting the Dots, Walking the Talk, and the Grab Bag. Day 1 features leaders from across the county sharing how their public and private groups found common ground and reached agreement for a desired future and tangible benefits for the region. Day 2 focuses on equity as the foundation of sustainability, and opportunities to better connect the transportation, housing, and jobs in our region. Cost: $35/day or $70 for both days. Contact: Bridgit Van Belleghem at bridgitvb@capitalarearpc.org or 608.266.4637 for more information.