I wanted to share this info about the upcoming Community Action Coalition Community Gardens Bike Tour with neighborhood associations around Madison and we hope that you will share this with others in your neighborhood, particularly for those areas which will be included in the bike tour. A media advisory and flyer are attached with details of the tour. Please help us spread the word to others about this family-friendly event to showcase community, youth, and food pantry gardens in Madison.
Thank you,
Join Community Action Coalition for South Central Wisconsin, Inc. and Madison Mayor Paul Soglin for a family-friendly bike tour of west side community gardens on Saturday, August 27, 9am-1pm. We will ride the 10-mile tour at a leisurely pace, with garden visits and kids activities between 20-30 minute bike rides. Accompany us to learn about Madison’s unique and diverse community gardens and meet the gardeners who tend them. We will meet at Sheboygan Community Garden (Sheboygan Avenue and Segoe Road, at Hill Farms DOT) at 9am, with an optional downtown start at 8am, meeting at N. Carroll and W. Mifflin Streets. The tour will visit four west side gardens and include free breakfast, coffee, and lunch, along with kids’ activities and music. For more information, contact Nicole at CAC at nicolec@cacscw.org or 246-4730 x208 or visit www.cacscw.org
Nicole Craig
Community Gardens Specialist
Food and Gardens Division
Community Action Coalition for South Central Wisconsin, Inc.
1717 N. Stoughton Road
Madison, WI 53704-2605
608-246-4730 ext. 208