July 12, 2011 @ 6:00 p.m.
All citizens are invited to participate in a public hearing before the Water Utility Board to consider the acceptance of four recommendations concerning the East Side Water Supply Planning Project. A presentation of the project will commence at 4:30 p.m. with public testimony commencing at 6:00 p.m. at the Water Utility Conference Room, 119 E. Olin Avenue, Madison. The Water Utility has conducted a long and extensive public participation process to gather information and shape the recommendations on long term water supply planning for the east side of Madison. The four recommendations are:
- Construct a treatment system at Well 15 for the purpose of mitigating Volatile Organic Compounds.
- Construct a filter at Well 8 for the purpose of removing iron and manganese.
- Construct a filter at Well 7 for the purpose of removing iron and manganese.
- Site and construct a new well to replace Well 3 which was abandoned in 2008 due to water quality issues.
Additional information is available on the Utility’s web page: https://www.cityofmadison.com/water/plans/eastWaterSupply.cfm or Call: 608-266-4661.
The Water Utility Board desires to solicit public input and comments on said recommendations. Written comments and objections regarding these recommendations will be accepted up to the start of the public hearing. Comments can either be submitted via email to water@madisonwater.org or by US Mail to Madison Water Utility, 119 East Olin Avenue, Madison, WI 53713.Tom Heikkinen; Water Utility General Manager.