Kids to Kids Garage Sale hosted by Madison Parks
Saturday, August 6th, 9am-noon
100 Block of Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd, Madison, WI
You are invited to the City of Madison Parks Division’s Kids to Kids Garage Sale on Saturday, August 6th. Youth can reserve a space to sell their own items to other kids. Individuals may sell items such as toys, games, dress-up attire, books, bikes, DVDs, and other like items. There will be approximately 60 booths available. This is a great way to get rid of or find great deals on slightly used clothes, games, books, toys, electronics, puzzles, etc. This event is free and open to the public.
For youth or parents of youth wishing to reserve a space to sell their items, please find more information at the Kids to Kids Garage Sale website at
Questions can be directed to Anne Whisner at