The Hoyt Park Area Joint Neighborhood Plan has won a $50,000 City of Madison Neighborhood Grant for 2011. Work on the Plan began in November 2010 by a group of representatives from Sunset Village, Sunset Hills (Radio Park), VanChaMaShe, Hilldale Row, and unaffiliated areas.
The Plan area is bounded by University Avenue to the north, Mineral Point Road to the south, Midvale Boulevard to the west, and Franklin Avenue to the east. Steps in the process have included monthly meetings, review of other Madison neighborhood plans, distribution of an informational flyer followed by a Neighborhood Survey, and the writing and submission of the grant.
The Plan Committee is reviewing the more than 300 surveys submitted and is creating sub-committees. Volunteers for the sub-committees are welcome and encouraged. Please come to meetings held at Sequoya Library on the 3rd Monday of the month from 6:45 to 8:45.
Visit the Hoyt Park Area Joint Neighborhood Plan website or contact co-chair Jason Valerius.