Wednesday, April 27, 2011
6:45 to 9:00 p.m.
Hoyt School Room 13
Please join us for the sixteenth Friends of Hoyt Park annual meeting. In addition to our annual business meeting, we are fortunate to have as our guest speaker Roger Bannerman, storm water researcher for the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources.
For over 35 years, Roger directed research projects investigating the solutions to problems caused by urban runoff. His research results have been applied to the development of technical standards, administrative rules, and the calibration of WinSLAMM, a computer program that evaluates nonpoint source pollutant loadings in urban areas using small storm hydrology.
Roger spoke at our annual meeting in 2001 and we are happy to have him return and give us more ideas on how we can use rain gardens in our yards to reduce urban runoff.
For more information, contact
Friends of Hoyt Park
PO Box 5542
Madison WI 53705